Preuzmite Rizik Da Budete Vi | Take The Risk Of Being YOU

Wordless Wednesday: Love or Money?


Quick Question:

Imagine that u walk into a room. On your left sits all the love and peace you and your loved ones could ever have. On your right sits all the money that you and your loved ones could ever use. What choice do you make? Why?

Sapa baik hati sila la jawab.. Jom share pendapat korang.. :) 

3 Comment for "Wordless Wednesday: Love or Money?"

susah nk pilih..
andaikn ...
left side ibu kita
right side bapa kita

mn pilihan kamu?
susah kn.

mmg sush nk buat pilihan..hehe

mmg sush nk buat pilihan..hehe

Terima kasih kerana sudi meninggalkan komen. Komen kalian akan ditapis agar tidak wujud sebarang kekeliruan terhadap entri yang telah disiarkan

Terima kasih tinggal komen kat sini. :)

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