Preuzmite Rizik Da Budete Vi | Take The Risk Of Being YOU

Make Your Workplace Like Home


Do you easily feel so bored with your workplace/workspace? Why? Hey come on.. Make your workplace feel like home ok. How? *tetiba je nak speaking kan? Ok la.. Hari ni wanna talk about my new work space. Aha.. Sedar tak kadang kala our workspace may affect our quality and motivation at work. So why not find out apa yg will make u feel energetic. Kalau aku, surely aku suka the colourful thingy.. Tgk je gambar kat bawah ni. Over??

Aku ni jenis yg suka tampal menampal benda and surely like the colourful thingy bertempek kat wall at my space. See gmbr kat atas? Everything must be colourful so I will feel energetic. Kadang ada aura negatif so I tend to demotivated and feel like arghhh I hate this place.. So boring..  

Tapi since that aku mula ubah ni I feel much more better feel like at my own study corner mcm kat Uni Life. Kalau kat Uni Life pun aku akan menggunakan semaksimum mungkin wall kat corner aku study. Kt situ apa yg penting aku akan tampal so that I wont miss anything. Tak de la stress kan.

Abaikan poster Beckham tu. Aku bukan minat Beckham pun sebab tu tampal kat dinding gmbr Beckham cuz wall tu da buruk. Nk beli kertas pembalut hadiah tu mcm waste money je aku rasa. Tapi nampak cam serabut kan? Al-maklumlah time ni da nk final so segala benda aku letak kat situ as reminder. Ngan counseling session record, interview NGO,review movie and bla..bla..bla..

Yg ni amacam? Ok tak.. Siap tampal button lagi tu. Cantik kan *perasan. But I like it. 

An important reminder and things to do. Actually aku agak obsess tang bab buat 'things to do' ni. Kat dinding aku da tampal, dlm planner aku buat, dlm fail aku pun aku ada letak, dlm phone aku buat jugak, dlm notepad pun ada jugak.. Obsess kan? Setiap kali aku rasa nk buat je. But since keje aku punye list things to do ni da kurang la sikit cuz everything keep doing the same thing.. Boring!!!

Hey, look.... Even my planner also colourful seyh.. Ni memang wajib la so that aku rasa energetic, plus rasa mcm org busy je ada planner. But now no more planner. Like what I said just now, keep doing the same thing. Skang da lari bidang tapi tak kisah la cuz now I wanna gain more experience and I think I dont wanna to practice in counseling field. 99% da confirm that aku tak nak register ngan Counselor Board and also tak nak amik lesen untuk praktis. Ok sekian dulu... 

P/S: Limited space but need special touch to make it look more energtic and attractive..

Tag : emovere, personal
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