Preuzmite Rizik Da Budete Vi | Take The Risk Of Being YOU

Dream Are My Reality


Entri bunga-bunga dari aku.. Wahaha.. Nk happykan diri yg mungkin melankolik,demotivated and apa2 yg berkaitan ngan negative feeling. Well, kadang kala hidup dlm fantasi itu indah sebab realiti ni buruk, hodoh. Tapi tak semua realiti tu mcm tu. Nama lagi kehidupan kan?*rationalizing my self . Tapi kadang kala bile aku relate apa yg aku belajar and kenapa org bleh jadi halusinasi,delusi ni is because mereka tak dpt coping ngan real life. So they create their own world and tinggal dlm dunia yg tersendiri. Sudahnye end up di psychiatry ward.

This is one of my fav song yang aku selalu melalak kat rumah waktu petang. Dream Are My Reality. Godek kat YouTube jumpe la video tu tapi gambar nye mintak maap di atas ketidak'senonoh'an dlm video klip tersebut. Terjah video tu kat --> .Aku tak sanggup plak nk letak video tu dlm nih :P  

Drema Are My Reality

Met you by surprise
I didn't realize
That my life would change forever
Saw you standing there
I didn't know I'd care
There was something
special in the air

Dreams are my reality
The only kind of real fantasy
Illusions are a common thing
I try to live in dreams
It seems as if it's meant to be

Dreams are my reality
A different kind of reality
I dream of loving in the night
And loving seems alright
Although it's only fantasy

If you do exist
Honey don't resist
Show me a new way of loving
Tell me that it's true
Show me what to do
I feel something special about you

Dreams are my reality
The only kind of reality
Maybe my foolishness is past
I'll see how the real thing can be

Dreams are my reality
A wond'rous world
where I like to be
I dream of holding you all night
And holding you seems right
Perhaps that's my reality

Met you by surprise
I didn't realize
That my life would change forever
Tell me that it's true
Feelings that are new
I feel something special about you

Dreams are my reality
A wond'rous world
where I like to be
Illusions are a common thing
I try to live in dreams
Although it's only fantasy

Dreams are my reality
I like to dream of you close to me
I dream of loving in the night
And loving you seems right
Perhaps that's my reality

Realiti itu ada manis dan pahit and apapun rasanye tetap kena telan sebab itulah kehidupan. Nak rasa manis kena pandai cari. Tapi kadang kala tersangkut yg pahit jugak. Jadi kena bijak utk neutral kan rasa pahit tu. Erk? Apa yg aku nk ckp nih? Ok Bai...

P/S: Teringat zaman jmpe ngan Lurviey :P hehee..

2 Comment for "Dream Are My Reality"

kalau boleh kita nk mpi kita jadi realiti kan ;-)..

kalau mimpi indah boleh ubah jadi wooo..!

Terima kasih kerana sudi meninggalkan komen. Komen kalian akan ditapis agar tidak wujud sebarang kekeliruan terhadap entri yang telah disiarkan

Terima kasih tinggal komen kat sini. :)

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