Preuzmite Rizik Da Budete Vi | Take The Risk Of Being YOU

Kata Mereka Tentang Aku


Apa kata kawan aku tentang diri aku?

Ilyana Ilyas seorang yg hard working, tegas, structured dan organized! She also has the potential to become a model.. =) luv ya darl...

Leong Kit Yen a friend who quite but when close with her, she will be quite talkative. Is a very hardworking girl. Like Ily said structured and organized. I thought I already organized but nani even rigid to organized. She is very creative. I love her art work... Keep it up. And she so talk and like high heal... OMG. Lagi tinggi than d- shin later... Wish you all the best and good luck through out your life...

Nurul Huda Binti Hussin ala......nak komen nie yg susah ko tu seorang yg hardworking n la berkawan dgn ko.......n senang jgak nak sharing apa2 dgn ko.........huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

Rani Chandra i rasa u cantik, slim n lebih tinggi dari i.....hehehehe....but the thing tat makes me suprise is kasut tubit tinggi...i always want to try to walk but...tak boleh juga...u boleh jadi model la...and...the changes i see on u--- 1st out look, u r getting pretty n boleh bergaya. i like ppl who always change their outlook. second, i suka ur courage. u selalu excited dan energetic buat kerja. i like the u always.....

Asha Raj hey sweetheart...
its a great note to make other comment on u so that u will understand urself more huh...
time 1st year kita tak berkawan lagi kan...
tapi satu benda yang i perasan, u have ur temper and u tegas...
...then lepas dah kawan ngan u terutamanya dalam kelas dr d (personality) and till now i saw quite number of characters in u...
u tak segan nak bertanya...i realize somehow u are loving (when its towards and u manage to express it in a very nice manner...
u are caring and concerned towards others...
then, we are in the same boat...
very much organized and structural..snap!!!
one thing that i like in u which i dont have and which i wish to have is ur assertiveness...
love it baby...
u are hardworking and creative...beautiful the way u are...
maintain ur weight...dont get thinner or put on weight...coz u are tall enough ady...
and u are getting to be a fashionista...
and yes, u are a person who compliments others...good...keep it up baby!!!
i guess i can write more...if only we are allowed to be together for a day to make me understand u more...hehhee...
no matter what baby..
yang penting u know about urself...
ppl might say wrong or right, dont bother much...
yang baik u sedekah pada Tuhan as He is ur creator...
yang buruk, if that's gonna help u, u can improve or change...
but if u dont feel like doing it, dont force urself coz its u in the end who will be with urself...
ok jaane maan...
love u alot...
lots of hugs and kisses...
and thanks for reading this essay...:)

Adibah Haji Salleh practical partner!!! 
seorang yang baik hati. pendiam tetapi bila enjin panas, memang talkative, logical, n loud. ketegasan yg berpatutan especially dlm hal2 kerja, wahhh, memang u make me as a partner to be organise n punctual too...! secretive but not afraid to say wats on the mind sometimes. tough on the outside, but high femininity and fragile in the inside.
very hardworking person, u are one of my very few friends yang hardworking.has lots of great ideas and thoughts but prefer to write it rather than talk about it. goal oriented, responsible and CREATIVE..i so love your organizer and your art work..
i really m so glad that we r a lot closer this sem, f not i x kn ada clue on to write about u.. but i do..:)
keep up being urself dear. u have ur own uniqueness n karisma. sometimes u wanna b like others, but wat little thing u know is that some people do wanna be just like you. i don't see any abnormalities or annoyance in u, but it's good of u to want to make urself better.
xoxo dear~hugs~

Adibah Haji Salleh owh!!!1 more thing, i suke ur colourful scarfs!!! n ketinggian u, fuhhh, malaysian next top on the walk dear, den u apply as Malaysian muslimah modelling den wen ur rich n famous, ring me up..hehe

Nursayyidatul Azwa my1st new friend kat um.. 
sama2 interview and still bkwn sampai skrg..
skepala and byk share gosip..
ko ni cepat temper gak, tegas, sistematik..

...and yg paling penting ko siap assgmt awl dari aku..

Farhana Fhna sangat2 pentingkan masa, sgt organize, n fanatik ngn masa... :)

Wey Shu Huan Nani is a lovely woman with a lot of good attributes~=) like me, she will make sure that she finish her work before the due date~XD and i admire her seriousness toward her work.=) Quiet but creative, organized and friendly people~she knows how to pamper herself and always dress up well~=) btw, Nani~are u INFJ?=)

Norhayatie Razali uhuhu..bgus lah lpas ni aku nk buat diri aku lak..oklah ko ni 1st time jmpe xknal sgt tp ble dah knal 1 kepala gak rupe nyer.. yg pnting smangat ko bt asgment cpt mybbkan aku transang nk bt agsment ga..bkn transang lain ek..jgn pk bkn2.. k...o kalu present bru aku perasan rupe nuyer suara ko lg kuat dri suara aku..bgus2. ko ni jenis yg berterus trang gak. 1 ngeri ngn aku tp kte ble ckp jrang ckp kelate ckp luar. so, sorang yg berani dan suka buktikan ps org lain ko blh buat..sorang yg creative. sor kdag2 aku tiru gak idea ko bkn sikit tp byk hahahaha.. ko serius kalu bt keje smpai takut aku nk tegur..ape2 best r kwn ngn ko....
Missy Gma nurul..hurm..bgusnyer ko nyer personality..congrat..aku xde ape nk komen bocoz kte kenal kejap jew..ape yg aku tau ko one of my bestfren mase sek dulu..mase tu aku x matang ag nk nilai sape2..ko memang baik...harap2 pas n kte leh jumpe ag..rindu nk besame dgn ko mcm u n miss u so much frenz..all da best
Kat sini jelas,terang dan nyata aku tak sombong. *masuk bakul. Cume take times sikit nk bercampur ngan org sebab aku akan observe dulu. Memilih? Bukan memilih tapi takut salah cari kawan. Nanti tak pasal-pasal plak jadi musuh. Hidup bukan nk bermusuh. Peace yo!!

P/S: Sampai skang still tak dpt dgr suara Lurviey.. Please on your fon!!

Tag : emovere, n.c
6 Comment for "Kata Mereka Tentang Aku"

memang tak sombong..hehe..nicelah tgk semua suka berkawan dengan naniey..hehe

drpd kata2 mereka tau yg awak dear seorang yang baik hati :))

bila baca semuanya, rasa teringin berjumpa secara realiti dgn nani.. :)

jomla buat gathering... beramasss mesra gtu..huhuhuu

bila baca semuanya rasa nak jumpa la... hihi :)

bes dpt kwn yg bg komen yg jujur cmni...:)

Terima kasih kerana sudi meninggalkan komen. Komen kalian akan ditapis agar tidak wujud sebarang kekeliruan terhadap entri yang telah disiarkan

Terima kasih tinggal komen kat sini. :)

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