Preuzmite Rizik Da Budete Vi | Take The Risk Of Being YOU

Friday Farewell Party


Another flat saturday in my life. Urghhh.. Apa boleh buat kan. Lurviey busy with the big event at his place and me just sit back and relax in the room. Wat a boring life. Da lama tak masuk hutan. I miss fresh air.. Aku nk masuk tenangkan kepala otak yang makin hari makin pressure seyh.. 

You know wat, yesterday is the last day of my GM, Cath. So boss all of us dlm office pergi makan-makan nak meraikan hari last our GM. Officially as full time worker la cuz after this Cath will be casual. Gonna miss the moments especially sharing session. I feel comfortable to tell everything about work to her cuz I trust her. Lucky Huda ada now. At least we in the same boat. 

Here we go!!! Nampak si cantik rambut panjang sebelah crew Secret Recipe tu? Tu la Cath.. Cantik kan?? Punye la pack time ni sbb lunch hours plus hari Jumaat plak. So order makan dulu and then chatting. Ahaks.. I told her bout the interview with big company tu and how I feel about it. 

Huda asyik menyengih je and thats why my boss said she love to smile and I'm too serious. Frankly speaking, kalau org tak kenal aku memang org akan ckp aku sombong. I know 'Senyum itu Sedekah' but depends on the situation. Kalau aku tgh serious focusing on my work better jgn ganggu or making stupid joke in front of me cuz I feel annoying. Since aku sekolah lagi. May be cuz aku ni introvert. I make small frens and very secretive. 


I dont take this cuz nampak oily. So just watch them makan-makan. Lgipun aku tak suke sgt. 

Finally I try this for lunch and it soo delicious,tasty, yummiesss... Love the sause. It's a healthy food. Erk.. I think so. Depends on wat kind of minyak dorang guna masa goreng. Lagi sihat kalau buat sendiri. 

Lately mood tgh giler nak masak healthy food but sadly tak de periuk belanga so mcm mne tu.. Arghh.. lambatnye tahun depan.. Penantian satu penyeksaan.. Aku nak masak!!!!

Healthy drink, Apple Celery Juice. You should try. But buat sendiri lagi better. Sgt senang. Nak tahu apa khasiat minuman ni boleh klik SINI

Well abis makan back to work, tapi otak aku da melayang kat Lurviey. Cant wait to see him. Damn so stress. Aku rimas ngan perasaan ni cuz end up ngan negative feeling and performance. I wish aku dpt a good news ASAP. Abis keje off jmpe Lurviey and while waiting for Lurving coming pick up me aku call mama and told her everything. Rasa mcm nk nangis seyh meluahkan perasaan mcm tu. Aku jenis orang yg tak suke nk luahkan perasaan but memang da sampai tahap nk meletup. Then bile jumpe Lurviey, ckp kat Lurviey plak. Apapun skang aku akan terus bersabar even dlm hati rasa mcm kena bakar. Hoping for a MIRACLE and before that I have to keep moving forward. All the best to me.. Amin.. 

P/S: Tak semua yg kita nk kite dpt dlm msa yg kite tetapkan kerana semua telah pun ditetapkan olehNya
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