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Movie: The Descendants


Sedar tak sedar hari ni da ari Ahad da.. Sok da mula masuk ofis balik. Stresss.. Bajet la kan. Entri kali ni berkenaan dengan filem The Descendants yang akan ditayangkan di pawagan this coming Thursday. Berapa ari lagi kan. Aku surf cari info pasal movie ni and check yg filem ni da release tahun lepas kat luar negara and ramai bagi feedback positive la ttg filem ni. Kat bawah ni ada sedikit info berkenaan dgn movie ni and also trailer.

Local release: 16 Feb 2012
Directed by: Alexander Payne
Starring: George Clooney, Judy Greer, Matthew Lillard, Shailene Woodley
Language: English
Genre: Comedy / Drama
Running time: 1 Hour 56 Minutes
Classification: 18
Distributed by: 20th Century Fox

Plot outline: From the creator of the Oscar-winning "Sideways", "The Descendants" is a sometimes humorous, sometimes poignant journey for Matt King (George Clooney) an indifferent husband and father of two girls, who is forced to re-examine his past and embrace his future when his wife suffers a boating accident off Waikiki, Hawaii. The event leads to a reconciliation with his young daughters, while Matt wrestles with a decision to sell the family's land. Under different pressure from various factions, Matt King then finds out that his wife was having an affair  

Btw, thanks kepada Nuffnang yg pilih aku utk hadir ke Nuffnang Premier Screening of The Descendant this coming Wednesday sehari sebelum movie ni release. Untung tak jadi blogger? Hehe.. Ni kali pertama aku join event Nuffnang ni. Excited seyh.. Mcm batak, jakun pun ada nih aku rasa. Sapa blogger yg hadir nnti eyh??

P/S: Jawabnye rabu ni kena stay up la aku.. Ok kena plan mane nk lepak lepas abis tgk movie..
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