Preuzmite Rizik Da Budete Vi | Take The Risk Of Being YOU

Me and 111111

Salam Semua
Finally hari yang ditunggu oleh ibu2 mengandung da tiba.. Selamat melakukan Ceaserean. Sigh** Sanggup mcm ni semata-mata nk dapatkan nombor cantik nih.. It just a number mam.. Everyone update status kt FB like something special will happen for them. So pathethic. Me? Nothing special.. Just like before, repeating the same thing with different feelings. By the way today went out with my pretty GM for lunch.. Thanks for lunch treat Cath. Weeeeee talk about "111111", health, sports, and so on.. This is so called "Girls Stuff". hehe.. Than went back to the office sambung keje.. Da kenyang mkn kn?? Alhamdulillah.. Kenyang sgt? Frankly said I feel annoying with peeps update their status in FB about today..watever.. FB dorang kan.. Suka hati la.. Hehe.. Now tunggu Lurviey kat tmpt biasa.. Chowwwzz

P/S: Next year tunggu 121212 plak eyh.. Untung la.... Hehe
Tag : personal
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