Preuzmite Rizik Da Budete Vi | Take The Risk Of Being YOU

Random From The Past #5

Salam Semua

Last Day in Queen's Class

Weehoo.. dalam RFTP #5. Well belek-belek album gambar and nak organize then ushar album uni life woooahhh... rindu gile zaman ini. Btw lady in pink kat atas ni is my beloved lecturer. She's an American and art therapist yg terbaek la. Queen Diana or Diana Lea Baranovich. Kalau pergi office die sumpah rasa xnak keluar. Macam-macam jenis art ada. She's so creative. I'm thankful to her cuz telah membuka kunci creativity yang aku tak pernah fikirkan pun. Because of past experience during primary school which teacher evaluate our art based on A,B,C and D and these make me feel damn stupid because I know nothing about art and I'm not creative. After masuk kelas Queen ni then aku and coursemates lebih byk terdedah ngan art thingy la. FYP pun selalu je ada art. Suke..suke..suke... Enjoy her class damn much and sangat2 tak sama dengan other lecturer. Dlm kelas die selalu tgk movie, group discussion, makan pizza but the worst thing is her "VICTIM BOX". Hehe.. Mana tak nye.. Nasib la nama sapa yg naik kau la jawab soalan die. Grrr.. Kat atas ni plak ari terakhir belajar dlm kelas die. On that day kite celebrate her berday tapi kek ditaja olehnye sendiri, then tgk movie dlm kelas sambil makan McD. Hehe.. Enjoy rite? Sekian...

 P/S: Sambung Master tak sama cm time Degree.. Sigh**

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